Lawn Care Tips:  No need to water .  Been getting enough rain and temperatures have been cool. Rain expected again tomorrow.  Some lawns already have red thread disease due to excessive rain.  Mow lawn high. 5/4/24

We contact all customers/landscapers prior to application. 

Licensed in MA & CT

"Enhancing Curb Appeal"


U.S. Navy Veteran Owned 

Lawn Care Specialists

StreetView Concepts, Inc.

State pesticide law requires that all persons who apply pesticides in private areas and public places used for human occupation and habitation must be in possession of a valid license or certification.  Department of Agricultural Resources conducts written examinations to measure competency to use, sell and apply pesticides.   

The following maintenance practices should be followed for a healthy lawn:

Watering:  Water when necessary.  Increase watering during warm weather, lack of rain or if lawn begins to brown.  Water in the morning, 30-40 minutes per zone.  Shallow watering, over watering and improper timing may promote disease as well as other turf issues.

Mowing:  Leave clippings when possible.  Clippings do not contribute to the development of thatch. They are recycled plant nutrients and are comprised of 90% water.  The higher grass is mowed throughout the season, the deeper the root system develops.  A deep root system is more tolerant to heat, drought stress and insect damage.  Do not leave clumps which will smother turf grass causing death and bare spots.